Please check our frequently asked questions (FAQ) before scheduling service.
Air Conditioners
A major problem we have with cooling our RVs using our RV Air Conditioner is inefficient ductwork. Make sure the plenum areas are taped off and not leaking into the ceiling space. Heat runs to cold and if we have any cracks in the plenum or duct work then we have warm attic air mixing with cold air making it every inefficient. Next check the filters and gently clean or replace.
Modern RV’s have thermostats that include a fan “Auto” mode. If your thermostat has a Fan Auto Mode, be sure it is set to “Auto” before asking for Heat and setting the temperature. If the fan is set to High or Low, the Air-conditioner fan will also come on during furnace operation. Although the AC fan is on, the compressor will not come on.
Black Tank
Yes, this is perfectly normal to have 1-2 cups of black tank water to drain when removing the cap. The waste valves are not perfect. To prevent this small amount from draining when you open the cap you can install a Valterra Twist On Waste Valve
However, if you find a gallon or more waiting for you when you remove the cap, then you should have your waste valve seals replaced. Click here to make an appointment.
The answer is: It depends! See our tech blog post RV Furnace Propane Usage that includes a chart cross referencing outside air temperature and your furnace size to give an approximate answer.
Modern RV’s have thermostats that include a fan “Auto” mode. If your thermostat has a Fan Auto Mode, be sure it is set to “Auto” before asking for Heat and setting the temperature. If the fan is set to High or Low, the Air-conditioner fan will also come on during furnace operation. Although the AC fan is on, the compressor will not come on.
General Electrical
You will need to work with the RV park management to make repairs at your pedestal. RVHome cannot make pedestal repairs.
Make sure you have a “green” or “no error” status before scheduling maintenance. You may need to work with the RV park management to make repairs at your pedestal. RVHome cannot make pedestal repairs.
General Propane
You may have a defective propane regulator.
All or no RV propane appliances should work. If only one does not work, you may have a defective regulator. However, make sure your propane cylinder is full, valve is turned on, and the correct cylinder is selected (if using an auto-change over regulator) before calling.
If your Norcold or Dometic absorption refrigerator smells like ammonia or if you see a yellow powdery substance near the burner assembly (outside), do not attempt to run the refrigerator! Turn it off and call a service technician immediately.

Water Heaters
Most anode rods last at least a year. But they can erode in as little as six months depending on the water in your area. Check out my article on Everything you need to know about Anode Rods.